Community Endorsements !!

Max Micallef
"Representative democracy is only effective if the needs of the people the individual is aiming to represent are met with the genuine intent of public service. As a Queer Rights Activist, I am honored to endorse Mary Jobaida for NYS Assembly because Mary has the drive and experience to address the structural issues queer New Yorkers have been demanding for far too long.
It is morally bankrupt that District 37 continues to face issues the incumbent has failed to address including rapid gentrification, polluted air and water, a properly funded MTA, and Universal Childcare & Pre-K. All of these issues inherently queer rights issues. Mary stands firmly in her support of legislation including Good Cause eviction, the New York Health Act, tuition-free public college, Public Power, and taxing the ultra-wealthy because New York State deserves no less.
Queer rights are human rights, and queer policy is progressive policy. Please join me in supporting Mary Jobaida, a Bangladeshi-American immigrant, mother of three, for NYS Assembly. District 37, and our State as a whole, need bold, progressive advocates like her in office."
Endorsements Mary received In 2020