Mary was born and Raised in a rural village in Bangladesh. She moved to New York in 2001. She was the founding Program Manager of Time Television, the first Bangladeshi HD television channel in NEW YORK CITY. She also worked as an Outreach Specialist at Urban Health Plan, a network of health Centers.
A lifelong activist, MARY has always spent her time helping people, volunteering for social, civic and political causes. Currently, MARY is running for NYS Assembly District 37.
she earned her BA degree in Literature from Bangladesh and BS degree in Media, Culture and Communications from New York University.

Mary is not a traditional politician. Her inspiration to run for office comes from a variety of experiences living in Queens. Mary lives in one of the most over developed and gentrified neighborhoods in the entire country. She is raising three children who were all born in the district and attend NYC public schools. This perspective informs her attempts to reform the education system in Queens. Her discomfort riding public transportation to and from work, and her first-hand experience working closely with underserved populations and their economic agony frames her platform positions.
Mary supports reforms in our Democracy including term limits on all state elected offices and public financing of political campaigns. Mary demands housing for all, high quality and tuition free pre-k and free college education for all, transformative reforms in the criminal justice system, and commuter friendly transportation. She supports universal healthcare and climate and environmental justice. MARY also believes in increased paid parental leave for up to one year, and an extended unpaid parental leave for up to two additional years with job security.
Mary is committed to run a people powered campaign. Her campaign will not take any contribution from any interest groups such as real estate developers, fossil fuel industries, corporate PAC, or lobbyists.